Sweden to the Netherlands

  • Dear all, I am undertaking a study on a correspondence between Sweden and the Netherlands around 1850 and forward. Before the Austrian-German postal union was establised, the single letter rate was 48 skilling or 100 cents/16 silbergroschen; 24 skilling up to Hamburg, and 50 cents/8 silbergroschen from Hamburg to the Netherlands. I am trying to find out whether this included any transit postage to Hannover, and if so; how much. According to the Swedish-Prussian convention of 1847, Prussian transit postage was 4 sgr, so the remaining 4 should be divided between Hannover and the Netherlands; I think with 1,5 to Hannover and 2,5 to the Netherlands, but I have not been able to find anything documenting the Hannoverian transit rate. Is anyone able to help?